
Dakota Bear | Freedom | Official video (Dir.Matt Leaf)

Indigenous hip-hop artist, Dakota Bear, formerly known as Dakk’One, releases the music video for his latest single, Freedom, in solidarity with today’s Global Climate Strike uniting more than 125 countries and 4,000 communities around the world. Themes in his hip-hop anthem hold global relevance with an increasing focus on the global climate emergency. In addition to numerous land defenders and water protectors, the video features two youth climate activists who have become international media icons, Autumn Peltier and Greta Thunberg.

Dakota Bear performed alongside Thunberg at the October 25 climate rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery. Captured beautifully in the music video, he greeted the young activist with a gift of tobacco, a sign of respect in his culture.

Dakota’s fans, numerous music blogs, and small and large-scale climate outlets are posting this track on their social media feeds today with the hashtag #dakotabearfreedom to stand in solidarity with Dakota’s message, Indigenous Peoples, and climate activists around the world.

Words spoken by internationally-renowned Anishinabek water protector, Autumn Peltier, sets the tone for the song as she discusses the realities faced by Indigenous communities across Canada.

Directed by award-winning cinematographer, Matt Leaf, the video ties together the personal hardships Dakota Bear has faced with the growth he’s found from working with communities across Canada.

“His story is critically important as it tells the truths of Indigenous history in Canada. His music is a reminder that although we are faced with so many challenges, there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel and justice, unity and love is always the answer. To say this anthem is empowering is only scratching the surface,”  says celebrated Canadian broadcaster, Howard Mandshein.

Special acknowledgements:
Dir.Matt Leaf (www.mattleaf.com)
Footage – Gabriel Ostapchuk (Gabeo Photos)
Footage – Spencer Mann (IdleNoMore)
Marketing/Communications – Jane Puchniak (www.janepuchniak.com)
Idle No More & Tiny House Warriors
All of the featured land defenders/water protectors

FREEDOM by Dakota Bear

// verse one //

The people are standing together there’s power in numbers
We will not fall where you want us
We learning the laws you throwing upon us
You throw us in water we know there’s pirhanas
The people they needing a leader just know that I’m on It
I’m honest in everything that I do
Every word that I write is true
The people that get it they know that the picture is bigger
So pull up a seat and you’ll listen you putting a fist in the air you know the resistance is here
You’ll hear us off in the distance
We are the kids that you dismissed
We are the targets you just missed
We are descendants of healers and chiefs just know that our struggles are brief
Just know that we one in the same
I’m from the prairies the plains
I’ll grow my hair out until I can braid it again
I’m no longer ashamed
I promised our people our hardships will not go out in vain
You’ll hear in my voice and the melody Carry the pain
I do not do this for money for fame
I just want to be me I just want to feel free
Is that to much that we ask?
Look to the future but learn from the past
I know that sometimes we clash
And that’s just life chances ain’t handed out twice
A man of my word and a man of advice
I just want to be me I just want to feel free

// hook //

We just wanna live our lives we don’t want to have to worry
Tell me can you help me it don’t seem like you been in a hurry
You playing judge and jury I feel like I’m under siege
Get the matches burn the sage
Chapters over turn the page
Author of my destiny but they telling me differently

// verse two //

I swear we be doing the most
I pack my suitcase and moved to the coast
I promised the next time I come to the city I’m bringing hope
I’m bringing you n it’s bigger then music together we started a movement
Together we stand and we shaking the earth as we moving
As soon as you look for the answer you’ll see the solution
Our minds are as clear as the water as soon as you see the pollution
We want the freedom and not the illusion
We are the warriors the ones you read in the stories we are notorious
I just want to me I just want to feel free

// hook //

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