
Tyler Skyy/Ronald McDonald House Fundraiser

Vancouver-based recording artist Tyler Skyy has been working closely with the Ronald McDonald House BC charity to put together a very touching project. Tyler was born with a heart issue that has had him in and out of the hospital his entire life and caused him to have four open-heart surgeries at the Children’s Hospital.


Tyler is all about giving back and helping people in any way he can. After hearing that a family from his hometown was staying at the Ronald McDonald House, him and his team had a great idea to do something extraordinary. Tyler put together a positive, up lifting track and filmed a music video in part with the Ronald McDonald House.

This track is aimed towards the kids and families living at the House, or anybody who has been/is in a similar situation. Tyler wants to show these people that there is hope, there is something to be positive about. He wants to show people that if he can make it, you can too. The song is for sale through his Bandcamp website for a “name your price” option. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to the Ronald McDonald House in efforts to raise money to put towards the new House, or anything else they might need to better the lives of these families. The new Ronald McDonald House will be a home for upwards of 70 families, rather than the current 13.

If you’d like to stay updated with Tyler Skyy’s music, you can follow any of the links below to connect with him. Point Up!

Contact: contactskyy@gmail.com


Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/itstylerskyy

Twitter – https://www.twitter.com

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